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Around 10:45p we went back to the Waldorf Astoria to have a drink and talk out the Dos & Don'ts with the self proclaimed Detroit Dick Bully (DDB). lol no lie she said that shit, but she definitely backed it up! Her only hard no was face fucking because on Wednesday she got her lips tattooed pink the way some women do their eyebrows black or whatever. Kind of a rookie move for a grown woman with that title since she knew they’d still be healing....but she was game for practically everything else so no biggie, right?Though "Jacob", who showed up late to the concert was enamored with the vanilla friend of ole girl as they were talking in the other room while I'm doing the Q&A. I can't blame him really because she was Super Thicc and a very sexy blonde, but she wasn't apart of the scheduled event. Side note: No lie, had she worn a red dress she'd look like a somehow, even thicker version Jessica Rabbit! Bruh, the UBER driver even gave me dap as we got out of the SUV cuz he couldn't take. Oral sex was not something that her husband or boyfriend had ever done to her. Her husband had required that she suck his cock clean after every sexual encounter, even if it wasn’t with her. What! That’s right my father-in-law had a few girlfriends over the years. That ‘holier than thou’ Christian. Of all the things! I guess it is always the quiet ones.Gretchen told us that he had slept with both of her sisters and with both of his sisters too. Apparently he liked to keep it in the family. He would always make love to them in her marriage bed and then have her come in and suck his cock clean right in front of them. At first it had been embarrassing for her but obviously she had learned to accept it as part of her wifely duties. Somehow her husband had talked them all into coming over once a month for sex and not in the same week either. It had disturbed her that he had sex with his own sisters but it really bothered her when he had sex with her younger sisters. He had actually taken.
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